Israeli Handheld Device to Provide Portable Medical Diagnostics for Rural Communities
Israeli start-up, Engineering for All Technologies, has invented a small, portable medical device that can provide immediate diagnostic results without requiring traditional medical equipment or infrastructure. The target market for the product, RevDx, is developing countries and rural communities that don’t have access to medical clinics, and can therefore benefit from its capabilities in performing blood tests with immediate results anywhere in the world and without requiring electric connectivity. It is also programmed to make an informed determination via a blood sample of whether an infection is bacterial or viral in order to prevent the unnecessary use of antibiotics, and has proven to give accurate results even in early stages of disease. Engineering for All Technologies sees the device as pioneering an ecosystem that, over time, will be usable for additional computer learning applications in diagnostics. The company, which already partners with Israeli HMOs, eHealth Ventures, Cleveland Clinic, and others, has received recognition on several occasions for its contributions to the medical field.